I attended a Networking and Information breakfast meeting run by Perth College’s Centre for Enterprise on Monday morning. The presentation was given by digital communications and marketing experts, Precedent, who told us how we should all have websites and be using such things as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Flickr and yet another new one to me, Linkedin. We need to know how to keep track of our online presence and raise our profile so search engines will find us. I attend these things because of our holiday cottages so I can, hopefully, find out how to best market them and raise their profile in a fast expanding market and after several seminars, workshops, information meetings, I still find it all a bit baffling, not to mention very time consuming. We need to spend at least one hour a day on our computers to keep up, says the man. Does he mean one hour of time for an expert like him or one hour of time for a mere beginner like me? Most of these things are easy to set up and free, you don’t need to spend lots of money to do it, says the man. What about the old saying ‘Time is Money’? Time spent at the computer for me means less time to do all the other pressing things I need to do and usually means working into the small hours of the morning, like now. I do have a blog, Facebook, and Twitter. The blog, I manage to update occasionally, Facebook, I tend to avoid as I spend most of my time deleting ‘stuff’ people send and we have 38 real acres to look after so I won’t be accepting any invitation to Farmville and I won’t be helping anyone with their Farmville crops! I really don’t need to know that a friend has had a good lunch (although I’m pleased that some of them have time to sit down and eat) or that they’re tired and are off to bed early (it’s just so exhausting doing those Farmville chores). It’s all very well telling us what we ‘should’ have but I need someone to actually take me through it all. I have a twitter account and have managed to link it to one of my Facebook accounts but I can’t remember which updated which and I don’t know how to get ‘tweets’ on my phone although I did manage to send one out from it. I even gather a Twitter follower occasionally – how do these people find me and why do they add me? I have no idea who they are.
I’ll stick with my blog for now, I know whose on it and linked to it, although there could be others who ‘lurk’ but that’s OK because I do that too. Can’t leave everyone a comment. Computers are OK but I’d much rather be scrapbooking or doing therapy! And yes, I go for some too. :o)
Happy New Year
9 years ago
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